
A basic set up

Getting started is costly but do you really need everything straight away? The answer is No, but there is still quite a bit to a basic set up

  1. Skin Prep and tools

  2. Glues and removers

  3. Brushes, colours etc

This video will go into what you need. Don’t want to invest in a full set up just? I have the Basics kits or the small things you need to test out and apply. Visit my store for more info.

Warning: Avoid using Alcohol activated palettes on or around eyes/sensitive areas & skin with direct skin application.

These can be used on top of prosthetic pieces etc but shake/dab off excess, have good ventilation and have cast close their eyes when applying to the area to avoid irritation.

Note: Always do a patch test of your glues, removers or products to ensure no sensitivity or skin reaction. If reaction occurs, remove immediately and seek Medical advice if reaction occurs.


Oh hey cutie


Prepping and filling your mould